Thursday, December 6, 2007


The ancient Greek city state of Sparta is very unique when compared to other ancient Greek city states. It wasn't unique in any one aspect, but many. It's government for example, was unlike any other. The Spartan government was the first government to successfully combine a monarchy, oligarchy, and a democracy .
Their government was set up like this: They had two kings. The Kings had power, but were mostly for religious purposes and were subservient to the five Ephors. The Ephors were five people who each from one of the different original tribes. The Ephors has an immense amount of power, and were supposed to eliminate political corruptness in the Gerousia, but this never happened as their power was abused. The Gerousia were a council of thirty men over sixty years old, including the two kings, that voted to pass or reject a decision made by the Assembly. The members of the Gerousia were voted on by the Assembly. The Assembly was the democratic portion of the government, and was made up of all males over the age of thirty.

Their society and warfare were intertwined because of what they were; a warrior society. So strict was the society, that all Spartans had to be tough from birth, literally. If a newborn didn't look physically able at birth it was abandoned. From the age of seven, all males were taken for training as a soldier. Females were taught how to run a household along with wrestling and basic fighting.
Males and females were treated almost equally in Spartan society. While males fulfilled all of the important roles, females were still respected. They had a large amount of freedom, but it extended only so far. Neither males nor females chose who they married. They were all put in a dark room and whomever a male grabbed, he would marry.

the Spartan economy was not as unique, but worthy of note. Instead of wasting good Spartan men to work as farmers, they employed the nations that they conquered as laborers. This also developed their social structure more. all of the conquered people were below any member of Spartan society, but they had rank as well.

Monday, December 3, 2007


This blog talks about the government, economy, and military of the two Greek city states Athens and Sparta. To return to my Greek Blog home, click the link on the right.